Recently, a childhood friend of mine returned from a special military operation without a leg.
Not long ago, after our high school reunion, he had just been drafted. He received the conscription notice, the girls organized a fundraiser to support him, wished him well on his way – but it didn’t help. He wasn’t eager to go, and I even suggested (or at least thought about) that he should leave the country temporarily to wait it out and return once it was all over.
Now, it's too late to talk about that, and even inappropriate. What’s done is done.
With the recent news that electronic draft notices can now be issued even if you’re not in the country (and many had left for Bali or other countries when this insane operation began), the question “How can we avoid fighting in a senseless war that isn’t ours? A war that only destroys lives, tears families apart, and takes breadwinners away from their homes?” has become extremely relevant, especially here in Indonesia and elsewhere.
The story of my friend, of acquaintances and their friends, the videos and photos that still occasionally make their way into my mind, the fear, horror, and suffering that people are forced to endure against their will – all of this compelled me to write this article.
What are the main legal ways to avoid being drafted into the war right now?
I WANT TO SAY THIS RIGHT AWAY – EVERY ONE OF THE METHODS DESCRIBED IS A PATH OF CHANGE. You cannot just sit and wait for it all to blow over. Each method requires action, something you will have to do. Every option has its consequences and its own path. I am only here to show you what they are.
I know that many people will still sit and hope that this situation will somehow pass them by. And often, that does happen. But what if it doesn’t?
Relocating from Russia/Belarus/Ukraine
Currently, the main “hubs” for expats from Russia, who have left for various reasons, are concentrated in a group of countries I call “safe havens”:
Of course, we can also add countries like Georgia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, and other former Soviet or CIS countries to this list. Or simply those that border Russia.
However, the first group of countries has one distinct feature – a high standard of living with costs that are either comparable to or only slightly higher than in Russia. Once you've experienced living in these places, you might want to stay there permanently and discover a completely different level of happiness. You may finally feel what true freedom is.
IMPORTANT! In these countries, you can find opportunities to live affordably, comfortably, and for a relatively long time (with options to extend visas indefinitely). Additionally, the economies of these "safe haven" countries are quite strong, and most importantly – the attitude towards Russian-speaking expats is positive.
Right now, we are creating a service to help relocate our fellow countrymen to these countries. Many people need psychological and moral support. Some want to know more details about different countries. Others are looking to understand the nuances of local laws, start their own business, or simply move to a new country.
What obstacles are there for leaving Russia?
Besides mental barriers, of course. There are also the doubts that everyone goes through:
How will I live in another country?
What about my relatives who are staying behind?
How will I support myself financially?
What will I do for work?
How much do I need to earn?
How do I find housing?
How do I find a job? And many more…
You can always contact our manager to clarify the necessary details regarding your situation. We will assist you with the next steps and take your situation under our control. CONTACT US via TELEGRAM OR WHATSAPP for quick communication.
Even if you have made up your mind, it may not be enough due to border checks and mass summons notifications.
You might simply be denied exit from the country, even if there are no summons yet, if you have debts related to state or private payments, or if you have obligations registered in various Russian databases.
To navigate through this, you can obtain an official medical invitation to go abroad.
There are several countries where you CAN GET AN OFFICIAL DOCUMENT that will pass through all databases, justifying the need to leave the country for medical treatment. These countries include:
These documents do not raise suspicions also because THESE THREE COUNTRIES ARE VERY POPULAR FOR MEDICAL TOURISM. With such a document, you can easily pass through border control. Additionally, their cost is relatively low, depending on the country, ranging from $150 to $250.
If you need to fly out now and are unsure whether you will be allowed to leave, contact US.
Military Service Deferral
No matter how harsh the current conditions for recruiting conscripts are, there are still laws that apply in the Russian Federation. The main one, according to which this entire scheme operates (not only for expatriates in Bali but also worldwide), is Federal Law No. 53, Article 51.

You can study this law on your own - HERE.
You will find many options for deferment or even dismissal from military service. However, there are three main methods that are currently effective and have already helped many people obtain a deferment (for example, to leave the country peacefully) or to completely resign from the armed forces.
Permanent Leave Registration
According to Russian law, you can apply for a deferment from military service if you are the primary caregiver for certain family members. This includes your father, mother, wife, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother, or adoptive parent, provided there are no other individuals legally required to support them.
However, if you do not have any of these relatives in your family, there is an interesting scheme used in Russia.
You can simply designate a relative for whom all the necessary documents will be prepared. This involves a simulated medical procedure, such as a hip replacement (on paper, of course), which will be documented in all relevant databases. You will receive a final decision from a medical commission stating that the chosen relative cannot care for themselves for a period of 12 months. You, as the conscript or serviceman, will then be recognized as their caregiver.
This way, you legally establish a relative who requires your care and their official medical condition. You can then approach your place of service and apply for a 12-month deferment from military duty based on this arrangement.
Contact us, and we will provide specific advice regarding your situation – HERE.
Diagnosing an Illness
According to the same law, individuals with medical conditions incompatible with military service cannot serve in the armed forces..
In Russia, this issue is handled as follows: a document known as a dispensary card is created, indicating that for an extended period (for example, one year, two years, or more), you, as a conscript, have an subtly expressed illness, such as ASTHMA or HYPERTENSION.
This document must be issued by a regional or municipal hospital. This same hospital provides a medical conclusion about the illness along with explanations that describe the nature of the condition and state that the conscript is receiving treatment at this facility. This information is recorded with a unique registration number in the nationwide database, making the individual legally unfit for military service.
Such cards can be backdated and issued in any region of the Russian Federation. This is how it is done.
Can you legally obtain such documents? – CONTACT US via WHATSAPP or TELEGRAM for quick communication.
Immunodiagnostics of Tuberculosis
One of the most effective methods right now is a confirmatory test for the presence of tuberculosis infection in a person. I think many know that this infection is a basis for not only being exempt from conscription but also for being able to resign from the armed forces if you are currently serving.
There’s not much to say here — an official certificate is made that passes through all Russian registries. With this certificate, you can go to the military enlistment office or your current place of service.
The cost of such services usually ranges from $200 to $300, depending on your situation and the specific certificate/document/card you need. Of course, this is nothing compared to what my friend has lost.
Due to the strict policies of the Russian Federation toward those who do not live in the country, I cannot see him. I can't visit him in the hospital and speak to him in person. But if I were to ask him the question, “Would you want to go through this experience again?” I think the answer would be obvious.
Can you take advantage of one of these methods? CONTACT US via TELEGRAM OR WHATSAPP for quick communication.
Bank Account Abroad
“Military personnel are prohibited from having bank accounts in unfriendly countries” (this applies specifically to those who are already serving).
The scheme is quite simple. This is not just a Russian practice but a global one. There are ready-made bank accounts in the unfriendly country of the United Kingdom.
These accounts are re-registered to a serviceman currently in Russia. And then the steps are as follows:
Typically, a small amount of money remains in the account to keep it active.
Retroactively, this account is registered with the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation (FTS RF).
It goes through the official registries.
Information about the account is submitted to the FTS RF.
A report for discharge is then prepared with the complete set of documents.
This is the most interesting scheme in terms of implementation, and it is not immediately obvious. Perhaps you are learning about this opportunity for the first time by reading this article. Usually, such a service costs around $400.
If you want to get a consultation regarding your situation, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
There are other grounds as well.
Other Grounds
Here, I want to add those that ARE LEGAL BUT ARE NOT CONSIDERED BY THE AUTHORITIES. Yes, this is a common practice in Russia. The law exists, but it is often insufficient for it to be followed.
For example, a legal way to avoid military service is through religious or ideological reasons. If you are a pacifist and do not accept the killing of other people or living beings, this might work in a law-abiding state. However, as a former officer of the Russian Navy, I know how this system operates.
Such people are simply not taken seriously. You must work hard and prove that this is not just a way to "dodge" the army but a real-life conviction. Such applications are often not accepted, and people in these situations are laughed at. In my experience, no one has ever been taken seriously, nor has any application been approved.
Pregnancy of a Wife / Sole Breadwinner
A good attempt. In my family, a draft notice was sent to a man who has a wife and two children, one of whom is disabled. His wife must take care of the children all the time and cannot work for this reason. Everything she does is just looking after the kids. The husband is the sole breadwinner in the family.
There is still no clear decision on whether he will eventually be called up for service or not. Despite having all the necessary documents, this is not a made-up story. This is his life.
Right now, our service, which we organized for relocators and those in Russia, helps obtain deferments or resignations from the army and relocate to another country for permanent residency. We would be happy to assist you with your specific situation. Everyone's circumstances are different and unique.
For any questions you may have while reading, you can contact our manager – TELEGRAM OR WHATSAPP for quick communication.
Let’s live freely in this world. Love ourselves and our loved ones. Help those dear to us and protect those who depend on us for various reasons.
Share this article with anyone who might find it useful. It will be the best appreciation from you.
Together, let’s make life on the island comfortable.